With respect to the preliminary programme a few minor changes have been made, resulting in the final programme of the conference. The most important change is that the conference now closes with a ceremony in which the prize for the best Graduate Student Paper of the conference will be awarded. Although registration is officially closed, there are still a few spots available for participation. These will be handled upon request via historyhumanities@gmail.com. We look very much forward to what promises to be a wonderful conference!
Preliminary conference programme MOHV online!
Please click on the link to access the preliminary draft of the MOHV preliminary programme. It is possible to register as a participant until 5 September 2016. Information concerning conference venue, travel options, accommodation and registration can be found here.
Conference Venue and Accommodations (updated)
The venue of the Making of Humanities V conference has been added to the events page. Next to this you can also find a list of accommodations to stay in Baltimore.
Registration ‘The Making of Humanities V’ is now open!
You can now register for the MOHV conference, which will be held at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 5-7 October this year. In order to do so please follow this link.