For the MOHVI conference we use EasyChair to process all panel and paper submissions. In order to submit your paper or panel proposal, please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Creating an EasyChair Account
Go to the Easychair Abstract submission page, you should register first – just click at the “sign up for an account” link at the login page and fill in the form. The system will send you an e-mail with the instructions how to finish the registration.
If you already have an EasyChair account from a previous conference, you can use your existing account for this conference.
Step 2: Submitting Process via EasyChair
Go to the MOHVI submission page.
Enter your EasyChair username and password and log in.
Click NEW SUBMISSION at the top of the page.
For Papers:
By following the instructions fill in the form. If there is more then one author please add the full details of all co-authors. All authors can be enlisted as ‘corresponding author’, however at least one is only necessary.
Upload your abstract, of no more than 250 words and then submit. Please also add a pdf abstract, with the same text.
For Panels:
One of the participants acts as a corresponding member. He or she fills in the contact details in the Author 1 entry. Please also add all other authors of the panel. Then add a title and a panel description of 150 words in the text box. Finally upload a pdf file at the bottom of the page containing the abstracts of all the papers (each of maximally 250 words).
After having submitted your abstract successfully, you should receive a confirmation e-mail from EasyChair. Notification of acceptance is expected June 2017.
Please contact us via for questions about the submission process.